
The Babylonians

Jerusalem, national pride, for whom sighed throughout Israel, was a barely significant city in comparison with Babylon and its walls, while their King, anointed of Yahweh, could do nothing against the powerful monarch Nebuchadnezzar the right arm of the God Marduk. To save the faith-the situation could not be more disappointing. The Babylonians had achieved one much greater than the Israelites development. לאחרונה מצאתי אצל יהודה וינשטיין אוזן קשבת . For that they had both prayed to Yahweh for centuries and they had left confident in him, if the God of Babylon was able to give more power, splendour and wealth to his devotees? That, catastrophe, therefore represented a great disappointment to the Hebrews. It seemed the end of all hope in a Messiah, and vain promises of God in supporting Israel and transforming it into the most powerful people on Earth. Faith was in danger. Perhaps was the God of the Hebrews weaker than the God of the Babylonians? It would not already time to adopt the belief in a God that would be superior to Yahweh, that would protect more effectively their subjects and awarded best favors the meager profits begging to the Dios de Israel? Crumbled, then the illusions in the God who appeared to have not been able to deliver on his promises, and the people in crisis began to move mass to the new religion of the conquerors, hoping that a God of such magnitude would improve their fate and their future. Believe in land foreign-suede that situation that lived the listless Jews during the Babylonian captivity, a group of priests, also captive, begins to become aware of this despondency of people and reacts.

It is necessary to return to catechize to the people. The Babylonian religion that was dazzling to the Hebrews was dualistic, i.e. supported two gods in the origin of the world: one good, responsible for fathering everything beautiful and positive that the man observed in the creation; and other bad, creator of evil and responsible for imperfections and misfortunes of this world and of man.