
Perfect Faith

UD. כדאי לך לעיין אצל יהודה וינשטיין כדי לקבל עוד מידע. NO need to touch any image is something supernatural, yes that supernatural life of God to rule. You is simply resting on the where you East by busy for sure, the will always be present in your thoughts, in your reasoning, all imagination is for this reason that genuine Christians are always happy, perfect faith is believing that you are Abraham's seed. Is not something imaginary when they pray for you if you He has perfect faith nor even you need to go to the altar only when they pray that prayer spiritual mind connects with their faith and doesn't even need that they impose hands, the word simply heals the sick. The Holy Spirit, is required for the perfect, if you don't fight have it until it succeeds, praying watching faith, fasting, crying out in total I despair, etc. do not rest day or night to get it. It is only believe because that promise is for the bride is to simply take that promise.

The Minister explains it simply the seal of the Holy Spirit, is like a car of a train and passes the inspector checking and until everything is in perfect order it is sealed and dispatched him. Do I have to do to receive the Holy Spirit? Humiliate in the most sincere and absolute surrender and repentance for everything what has offended the all powerful God of Abraham, and believe and obey every word that came out of his mouth. And Examine: how it is your life? As they are his thoughts? It confuses a character with malgenio? Are your thoughts is God the one who dominates them or the enemy? It is really genuine Christian or just appearance? Do we believe in every word of Dios have left the old nature? Fox, pork and Wolf? Really believe in Hebrews 13-8 to the Mr. Jesucristo el el same yesterday today and forever? Do that if except yesterday, saving today and will do so tomorrow? That if it healed yesterday, healthy today and tomorrow will heal? in divine healing and all the Scriptures? Do we believe Malachi 4-5?.