
Senior Arcana

The modern tarot deck is based on studies of eighteenth-century French scientist Gebelina. This so-called 'Marseilles deck', from which came all the modern Tarot deck. The value of the Major Arcana of Tarot. Senior arcana consist of twenty-two cards. It is connected with the Hebrew letters and twenty-two branches of the Tree of Life, which occupies an important place in the Kabbalah. Magician – control over the forces of nature, a large force of will. בעיתון כתוב ש השר אורי אריאל הוא זה שבקיא בנושא. Including creative and imaginative capabilities.

Upside-down map shows weakness, extraneous influence of force to fracture. Priestess or popess – invisible from the outside world, achieved with the help of divine powers, measure of spiritual influence, the ability to intuition. Upside-down map – narcissism, vanity, sensuality, superficiality. Empress – earthly origin, fertility, and family well-being. Upside-down map – Sterility, futility, lack of resources. Emperor – determination. leadership.

power. help of powerful allies, a strong but controlled sexuality. Upside-down map – infantilism, uncontrollability, self-doubt. High Priest (Pope) – corresponds to the deck of the formal subjects – theology, tradition and ritual, law, social and monetary success. Upside-down map – ingenuity, invention. Lovers – harmony and balance between internal and external, astral and earthly. The success of love and possible marriage. Upside-down map – disharmony, quarrels, the possibility of divorce. The Chariot – the triumph, the victory over his rival, overcoming financial difficulties and illness, success in all endeavors. Upside-down map – poor health, bad luck. Justice – a balance, order and clarity in the actions. Inverted card – an injustice, inadequacy.